
EPEA database makes measuring circularity even easier

News 20 may 2023
Calculating a building’s CO2 footprint and determining to what extent its materials are reusable requires complex data. Often, the data is incomplete and hard to find, making it challenging for owners, planners, and builders to understand the environmental impacts of their work. Madaster has therefore partnered with EPEA to develop a first-of-its-kind materials and products database for such calculations.

EPEA database for materials and products

The EPEA database provides insight into both the origin of the material (non-renewable-, renewable-, or secondary-material) and the waste scenario (reuse, recycling, incineration, or landfill). Additionally, the database contains embodied carbon information over the material or product’s entire life cycle. The database has been curated by EPEA and derived from reliable sources.

Insight into circularity

By linking the EPEA material and product database to the Madaster platform, developers, investors, builders and managers of real estate and infrastructure gain direct insight into the circularity and embodied carbon of buildings and entire portfolios. With easy access to such insights, reporting can be simplified, and environmental objectives, such as those resulting from the Paris climate agreements, can be better assessed for feasibility. In addition, the link with the EPEA material and product database makes it easier to comply with future laws and regulations.
“The EPEA dataset currently includes 391 of the most common materials and products in the built environment, making it the most comprehensive database available. It’s the first of its kind because it includes information on material composition, circularity, environmental impact, and financial value. We are very proud of this collaboration with EPEA that makes measuring circularity and environmental impact even easier for users of the Madaster platform.” – David Parker, Senior Product Manager Madaster

About EPEA – Part of Drees & Sommer

As an innovation partner, EPEA develops healthy and circular industrial products, buildings and urban districts. The Cradle to Cradle® framework, co-developed by EPEA, forms the basis of our work. With >35 years of expertise and knowledge in chemistry, biology, environmental science and engineering, EPEA’s interdisciplinary team optimises and innovates the products and buildings of the future together with clients; from molecule to metropolis! As an accredited assessment body, EPEA also helps companies certify their products according to the Cradle to Cradle Certified® Standard. The aim is not to reduce environmental damage, but to integrate positive added value for people, the environment and business into products and the underlying production processes.

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