
50 points extra for the Madaster resource passport

News 26 may 2023
The German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB) has finalised its comprehensively revised certification system for new buildings (more information in German).
In addition to making requirements more stringent on numerous occasions, especially regarding future climate targets, the applicability has also been further improved. The number of criteria has also been reduced, amongst other things. It is also compatible with other evaluation systems, such as the EU Taxonomy or the Quality Seal called ‘das Qualitätssiegel’ for Sustainable Buildings (QNG). As a planning and optimisation tool, the DGNB system helps all those involved in construction to demonstrably increase the holistic, sustainable quality of their projects. More than 10,000 projects in around 30 countries have already received DGNB certification.
‘We are all aware of the urgency to implement far-reaching measures for more sustainability and climate protection and the key role that the construction sector has to play in this,’ – Dr. Christine Lemaitre, Executive Board Member of the DGNB
In the future, ecological, economic, socio-cultural, and functional quality will each account for 25% of the overall rating, i.e., 2.5% more than before. The topic of circular design and construction has also been further defined, and 50 bonus points are available for the digital material passport, as Madaster has been generating for some time now.

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